"Sangh has not done anything for Hindus", it is easy to say this when you are behind a keyboard but not on the ground. I have been a swayamsevak for more than 10 years now and I can say this with conviction that no organization in India or anywhere in the world is working to reform the Hindu society like RSS. Let's understand what RSS has done for Hindus.
Foundation: What was the prime cause for the foundation of Sangh?
Dr Hedgewar was a staunch nationalist who worked with organisations associated with revolutionaries, such as the Anusheelan Samiti while studying medicine in Kolkata. He was an office-bearer in the Indian National Congress. Dr Hedgewar realised that Hindus are not united to fight against evil. Casteism had taken over. He wanted to create an organization that united every Hindu from all walks of life to come together to fight for "BHARTIYATVA" and free Bharat Mata from the clutches of the British.
Doctor Hedgewar stood up in 1925, during the dark days of British rule, when calling oneself a Hindu was an embarrassment for the educated class, and declared, "Yes, I, Dr Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, proclaim that I am Hindu, and this is a Hindu nation."
Dr Hedgewar till his last breathe fought for the betterment of the Hindus of the country. He united Hindus under the Bhagwa Dhwaj.
Initiatives by RSS for Hindu Society :
We all know ABVP! Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad. It was founded in 1948 by Yashwantrao Kelkar, A staunch Hindu and a nationalist. During those days the student organizations in AMU and other Institutes were working against the unity of Bharat. They were dragging students to take the Anti-Hindu stance. At that time, only one organization with the sole aim to unite Hindu students to fight for the nationalistic cause was started under the RSS banner. Today, ABVP is the largest student organization in the world which unapologetically fights for the nationalistic cause in times where students are getting influenced by the anti-Hindu, Anti-Bharat machinery. It was ABVP who started the trend of "JYOTI PRAJWALAN" a Hindu way of commencing a ceremony when others were busy cutting ribbons.
Bhartiya Jansangh :
At times when there was no political party fighting for the Hindu cause, Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee asked Guru Golwalkarji for help. Guru Golwalkar said, "I won't convert RSS into a political organization, but swayamsevaks will help you in building a political party". The best of the talent in RSS was loaned to BJS and the only truly nationalistic Hindu party in trying times was formed. BJS raised many issues regarding the Hindu cause in its lifetime until it was dissolved in 1980 to form THE BJP.
Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram:
VKA, An offshoot of RSS, the largest Hindu organization working for tribal welfare. It was started by Balasaheb Deshpande. He aimed to make lives of tribal people easy and make them aware about their glorious roots. We all know, The naxals, the commies have been using these tribals for their so called "people's war". Commies lure them in their trap by offering them money, food and shelter, But VKA has been working relentlessly for the welfare of tribals. VKA has stopped thousands of forced conversions by Christian missionaries. Is any organization working in the same manner like VKA ?
Saraswati Shishu Mandir :
In times when academia was taken over by Islamists and liberals who hated the "Hinduness", Prof Rajendra Singh, Nanaji Deshmukh and Deendayal Upadhyay, all RSS Swayamsevaks the Saraswati Shishu Mandir. Nearly 27,000 schools are a part of Saraswati Shishu Mandir. These are not government funded schools but the fees is so affordable that even a person with a very low income can easily put his/her child in the school. Many Hindu children, who cannot afford to be in the so called "CONVENT" and "ELITE" schools are taking world class education in the schools run by Saraswati Shishu Mandir. Vidyabharti, which is now the apex body many educational trusts. Saraswati Shishu Mandir has been brought under the umbrella of Vidya Bharti.
VHP [ Vishwa Hindu Parishad]:
Save temples, Unite Every sect of Hindus, restore temples, Ramjanmabhoomi Issue to Kashi, Mathura issue and 'n' number of issues that had been haunting over the Hindu society needed to be addressed. VHP, yet another offshoot of RSS was formed to find solutions to the above mentioned issues. The Sangh Swayamsevaks, VHP karyakartas have laid their lives during RamJanbhabhoomi Andolan. Even today, VHP works to unite Hindus to make a better society. Just for information Swami Chinmayanand, of Chinmay mission was the first president of VHP. It was established in 1964.
Swadeshi Jagran Manch:
To promote the Bhartiya art,culture,clothing and other enterprises Swadeshi Jagran Manch was formed in 1992. It has been doing so since then without a pause. SJM has helped many Bhartiya Enterprenuers in the forefront. The economy of the tribals areas has changed drastically because of various initiatives of SJM.
Ekal Vidyalaya:
Many leaders including Nehru saw north eastern part of India as a non-important part of the mainland India. This helped Christian missionaries to take over these regions. But Ekal Vidyalay, started by Shyam Gupt is doing a phenomenal job in educating the people of North easter India. There are about 30,000 schools under the banner of Ekal Vidyalaya.
Sanskrit Bharati :
"Sanskrit, the mother of many Bhartiya languages" needs to be promoted was the main moto of the founders of Sanskrit Bharati. It has created thousands of Sanskrit speaking Indians with its scientific and simple technique of learning Sanskrit.
There are 'n' number of the initiatives started by RSS for the betterment of the Hindu society. It is very easy to blame an organization like RSS which works day in and day out without any expecation to get media traction, but it is hard to work on ground without any selfish-interests like RSS Swayamsevaks.
RSS has united Hindus, unlike any other organization. Caste system has no place in any RSS shakha. I am proud to be a Swayamsevak and I say this with utmost conviction that no other organization has worked for the betterment of Hindu society like RSS.